every little thing that you say

Saturday, September 10, 2005

The hallways are full

School has started...it is so much different this year, it's crazy, little salisbury christian, isn't so little anymore, we have alot of new people this year, which I like though. It's nice meeting new people! I only have 9 girls in my class haha, then like 18 boys. It's usually always the opposite. Anyways, last night I went with the youth group to this youth rally for reality factor, which is a youth retreat we take at harvey ceaders.. I didn't know what we were really doing at this place, and when we got there there was a huge blow up obstacle course, and a jousting ring, all this different stuff, it was fun, i didn't go through the obstacle course, b/c i didn't want to, also the youth pastors and different people were grabbing peoples ankles when they were trying to climb the wall, that didn't look appeling to me...haha. But the speaker was really good, i enjoyed him, it's always refreshing to hear a new speaker. It's so weird now to be one of the older people in youth group though, im used to being the youngest, strange.. but it was a fun and interesting car ride, it was a 15 passenger van and there were 15 people. little tight fit..haha but its okay. I am really hoping I can go down and help with the hurricane relief group, we have a meeting after church tomorrow, so i can get some more info.! ok, gotta go clean.

And I could write it down
Or spread it all around
Get lost and then get found
Or swallowed in the sea -coldplay

p.s. Just want to thank all my Great friends, for being awesome friends!! :)


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