every little thing that you say

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Marshmellows

hey hey hey!

well this is my first post! Hannah S. convinced me I should get one to tell about my marshmellow experience I had today. So I was eating some marshmellows that my parents had left over from their camping trip, and I ate like four because I was watching oprah and it was saying something about eating healthy and stuff..haha anyways so i zipped up the bag and I looked down and jumped back b/c i saw a spider but it was inside the bag! Can you imagine eating a nasty spider with bitey things out of his mouth.. it was gross! so need less to say i threw away the bag. so yeah thats my exciting spider story..haha... well tomorrow im not babysitting so if anyone wants to do something call me up!


  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger grey rose (they/them) said…

    check it out! i posted the story the same freaking time as you! lol! you are the GREATEST!

    off to bed hannie!


  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger linnea said…

    Are you Marshmallows mellow? HAHAHHAHAHA. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Now I'm sounding like a grammar nazi!! I'm not I promise!!!!!

  • At 8:19 AM, Blogger faith said…

    haha, those were good marshmellows too! :) thanks for visiting.


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